Friday 15 October 2010

Welcome to thewenchettaknits

Welcome to my new blog!

I'm not very good at maintaining blogs, having started a few in the past, and let them go mouldy.

I've currently got a couple of different projects on the needles, including a newborn baby kaftan, a baby blanket and some interesting ideas for jumpers and cardigans.... who knows when those ideas will become concrete, or should I say fabric. I see the ideas in my head, and knit them up as I go, writing down what I do. I make notes at the end of what I like, and what I don't like about the design, and try to alter it. The next time I knit it, I try to be really objective - is that a clear instruction? Yes, I may understand it, but I have done it before. Will someone new understand it? If in doubt, I rope in my darling mother to look over my instructions.

My two sisters test the wear-ability of the designs on their babies and toddlers. I have a 5 year old niece, a 3 year old nephew, a two year old niece and a bump niece/nephew-to-be! I try to use yarns that will machine wash for babies and children, as I know that real life and hand knits do not always see eye to eye. Previously trying to make gorgeous cashmerino items for a baby have resulted in some interestingly shaped garments....

This is the first ever design that I made up from scratch. It is a tiny dolly cardigan that I made for my niece's doll, Milly. Milly's cardigan is knitted in one piece, and is seamless, a la Elizabeth Zimmermann. I used her raglan shoulder shaping to help me. It was knitted in the round and then I steeked it. I had chosen the wrong yarn for that as it was a not very grabby acrylic. Normally, I am not a big fan of acrylic, but my sister had bought the yarn, and my niece wanted a cardigan to match her own. So I ended up with a much lumpier button band than I wanted, but I thought I should show you my first beginnings, so at least you can see the progress.

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